Rediscovering the Power of Pussy: A Journey to Feminine Empowerment and Sexual Wellness

Rediscovering the Power of Pussy: A Journey to Feminine Empowerment and Sexual Wellness

As women, society has unfair standards for how we should look, how we should think, and how we should act – whether it’s fitting into a certain dress size, our role within a workplace or family, or our attitudes toward sex and sexuality. Attempting to live up to these unrealistic expectations can wreak havoc on our lives.

We are shamed because of our bodies. They’re too curvy, they’re too thin, our (normal) clothes are too revealing—or not revealing enough! We wear too much makeup or don’t wear any at all. We don’t smile enough. We’re too athletic. We “throw like a girl.” We’re too funny, too “slutty,” too prudish. It’s enough to make you scream (which, admittedly, can help sometimes.)

These standards place an extreme amount of pressure on us, particularly as we grow up, causing some of our most important years — the years we’re discovering who we are — to be full of stress, anxiety, and depression. These stresses in our teens and early twenties can often ripple through the rest of our lives causing long lasting self-esteem and self-confidence issues.

That’s why, at Pure Romance, we champion feminine sexuality, and wellness. We embrace the power of pussy.

There are many who might bristle at that word—pussy. But we know that sometimes you have to be a little abrasive before the world accepts you. Wake them up. Make them pay attention.

Rule followers rarely make history.

Together, we’re going to explore ourselves, discover new sexual limits, and blaze a trail towards sexual empowerment. We’re going to rediscover the power of pussy.

Embracing Sex
And we’re going to start, where else, but with sex.

For decades, we’ve been told that sex is dirty. Sex is taboo. If we want sex, we’re sluts, and if we don’t want sex, we’re too uptight. We are constantly told to be sexy, but to never act sexually.

Screw that. Sex is great. Sex should be embraced. And to do that, we have to foster a sex-positive attitude within ourselves. We are all sexual beings and should be able to enjoy our bodies and the bodies of others without shame or stigma.

Sex opens the doorway to so much self-improvement and self-discovery! Embracing sexuality can be freeing ¬of the mind, body, and spirit, as well as lead to more confidence. It can even act as a stepping stone towards broader self-acceptance (like, when you have your clothes ON).

Sex makes you vulnerable. Sex gets you out of your head…Sex gets you naked. And that’s a great place to start.

Feeling Exposed
When we’re at our most exposed is when we can better see ourselves for who we are. Yes, our bodies, but also our personality, our tendencies, our likes and dislikes. We’re each a complicated mess of feelings and anxieties that can be hard to dig through. But in order to better ourselves, we have to do that digging.

It can be as simple as taking a look in the mirror ¬– literally or figuratively. Take notes, make lists, stand naked in the bathroom! Before you can accept yourself, you have to make the effort to do what so many try to avoid: self-reflection.

But self-reflection is a necessary step to self-improvement. It’s also a necessary step to sexual empowerment!

Just as you need to take stock of yourself to learn and grow, you need to take stock of your thoughts and ideals around sex and pleasure to create new, more exciting ones. How can you ever hope to have better or more consistent orgasms if you’re not entirely sure what gets you there in the first place? Or maybe you think you don’t enjoy something only to realize that dislike stems from a bad experience with a former partner? Or maybe you’re realizing all the sex you’ve ever had…is pretty vanilla.

It might be time to spice it up.

Time to Explore
Once you’ve decided to embrace your sexuality and take a sex-positive approach, you need to set some ground rules for yourself. Mainly? That there are no rules. Nothing is off the table. Your mind is open to all new experiences no matter how big, small, or kinky. New adventures, new pleasures, new positions!

You don’t know what you don’t know. So why not take a running leap and explore the depths of pleasure?

Trying anything new can be scary — especially when it’s something that is intimate and personal. But you can either let that fear drive you off, or you can let that fear drive you. If it’s a little scary, maybe that’s a good thing. As long as you’re being smart, having fun, and staying safe, there’s no reason to let fear or anxiety get in your way. Who knows, you may find a new favorite position, toy, or activity. And what’s better than that?

Exploration in the bedroom (and maybe outside of the bedroom if that’s your thing) is an important step in sexual empowerment. The more time you spend learning about your body and what pleases you, the more confident you’ll be seeking out that pleasure.

Sometimes embracing the power of pussy can be incredibly literal.

Embracing Sexuality

"When we give ourselves permission to understand our bodies, we remove the stigma attached with sexuality, and open the door to pleasure." – Patty Brisben, Pure Romance Founder

All of these steps – embracing sexuality, taking stock, exploring outside your norm – will lead you to sexual empowerment. Through this process, you’ll gain confidence in your body and feel more secure seeking out pleasure. By looking for and exploring new experiences, you’ll likely find new limits. This is natural, healthy growth that will only enhance your life and improve your relationship with sex, your body, and your partner.

Once you’ve gained this better understanding and improved relationship, you can ask and answer questions from a more informed perspective. If something you usually enjoy suddenly feels odd or different, you’ve gained the knowledge to understand that something has changed and the confidence to explore that change without fear or shame. With this new outlook, you can try new things knowing that they may not end up being for you, and that that’s ok.

It's this security within your sexuality that will give you the freedom to seek out your own ecstasy and maximize its potential. Why waste time on less-than experiences? Embrace sexuality, take pleasure into your own hands – and rediscover the power of pussy.

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