2023 Dating Trends

2023 Dating Trends

It’s hard to predict what the new year will bring- but if you’re looking to be lucky in love the stars are aligning! After two years of dealing with a pandemic, political upheaval, quiet quitting, and historic inflation, you may not be overly excited about what 2023 will bring. It’s hard to separate the realities of the world and our love lives but you can decide the path for your personal life…and we want you to!

Good news lovers, a study from dating app Bumble looked at what’s in store for 2023 and they found the majority of people are optimistic about the dating scene. Let’s break down the numbers and what this could mean for your future romance.

Open casting

Everyone has a “type,” but in the new year, most people are looking for a new type of person to date. That’s right, they’re broadening their horizons. No more “must be at least 6 feet tall, brown hair, and blue eyes.” That’s all out the window.

More than one third of those surveyed say they’re open to dating beyond their physical type. What’s even more important? 63% of people say emotional maturity is more important than looks. If you’re looking for a new “type” to explore, discover a toy that’s your perfect match by taking our quiz.

Love/Life Balance

Everyone seems to be tired of putting their job first. That’s why more daters are saying they’re not willing to date someone if they have a demanding job. More than half of respondents say they care more about their partner’s work/life balance than their partner’s job title.

This is the new norm as people learned just how great working from home can be during the pandemic. Remote work and staying home is a trend that’s not going away, even if you’re not dating.


Remote work isn’t just affecting the one aspect of dating. More people are considering long-distance relationships. After lockdowns, people want to travel and get away from the norm. They also have more freedom when it comes to work. More than one third of daters say their S.O. doesn’t even have to live in the same city as them. There’s plenty of technology to keep couples connected. Just because they’re in different cities doesn’t mean they can’t have intimate fun. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, try mutual masturbation and consider adding a toy.

Not only are people exploring relationships across cities, states, and even countries, they’re also more open to exploring their sexuality and what they want sexually. More than half of those surveyed say it’s important to discuss sex early on in the relationship.

Goodbye toxic masculinity

Almost 75% of the men in the survey say they’ve taken a good look at their behavior in the past year. Now, most say they’re trying to challenge stereotypes, like the myth that men shouldn’t share emotion. They’re more open to breaking those gender roles and find that it’s benefiting their relationships.

This is not a surprise with more and more celebrities donning gender-neutral clothing. Also, there is a rise in men who are becoming stay-at-home dads. According to Pew Research Center, the number of fathers who care for children at home has doubled since 1989.

Dating renaissance

Another side effect of the pandemic, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Bumble found 39% of people on the app have ended a marriage or serious relationship within the past two years.

That number matches divorce rates from the beginning of the pandemic. For those newly single, check out this blog with options for dating apps that may be a good match.

Money, money, money

Cash flow is no longer a taboo topic on dates. More than half of those surveyed say they’re more interested in casual dates and not an over-the-top fancy dinner and a show. They’re also more into setting financial boundaries. This may be due to the fact that inflation is taking a toll on many or that people are more open in general.

With a new year comes opportunities aplenty for change! We hope you find love in 2023, if not, fall in love with a toy that will give you all the vibes you’re looking for.

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