Finding Love in the Time of COVID

Finding Love in the Time of COVID

Can we find love during a global pandemic? Yes, we can! Here’s how to make romantic connection happen, despite Covid-19.

According to the Beatles, “All you need is love.” But what does finding love look like in the midst of a global pandemic, where social distancing is recommended for survival? It can be a tough call deciding between finding love or possibly contracting Covid-19. Despite our unprecendeted circumstances, don’t be discouraged. In every crisis, there’s still ways to find love.

Here are some simple tips for helping you along your way.

Online Dating

Let’s start with creating a chance to find love. With events and travel being canceled and bars being closed, it may seem pretty difficult to find people to date. However, with changing times comes changing behaviors. This is a great time for creating options versus allowing love to find you based on chance. Consider exploring dating apps. People are meeting their future significant others online every day. Even those who previously said they’d never date online are now joining the ranks of the online world. Give it a try. You never know who you might find out there!


In addition to online dating, consider reconnecting with past loves and friends. Is there a potential partner you let get away or maybe a friend you thought about pursing romantically in the past? Circle back and reconnect. A simple direct message online or text could be the beginning of something more. Also, consider asking friends and family to check within their circle. Maybe they have a potential friend or family member they could set you up with—or at the least, give your potential partner a heads up that you’ll be sliding into their DMs! Be open to creating new avenues of possibilities.

Chat Virtually

Now that you have romantic options on the horizon, let’s put those creative muscles and communications skills in place. Video chatting is your new best friend! Turn the unusual situation into an opportunity to ask the questions many of us are too afraid to ask in the beginning of a relationship. Be fierce and open-minded. Have fun with the 20 question games and getting to know people on new levels. Pinterest has great icebreakers and getting-to-know- you questions. Truly take the time to be curious about someone else.

Get Creative

As the relationship progresses, maybe see a drive-in movie together (in separate cars), grab takeout and eat while video chatting, or have a date outside while maintaining distance and wearing masks. Eventually, as both of you become more comfortable, you can discuss how and when to introduce more physical contact. In the meantime, enjoy upping your sexting game, so you get to know each other’s desires. Have a conversation about getting each other a sex toy as a way to enhance phone sex. The options are endless, and this is the time to get creative!

Some of the best things can come from the most trying of circumstances, so don’t give up on love just because of Covid-19. There’s still plenty of ways to find connection with someone special, even during a global pandemic. Now, get out there!

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