Vibrant Virgo

Vibrant Virgo

Virgo Dates:

August 23 – September 22

Virgo Characteristics:

Practical. Loyal. Kind.

Virgo! Your attentive nature is an essential part of your personality and advantageous in your relationships – platonic and romantic. You notice everything. In tune with yourself and those around you, your love language is knowing just what someone needs and providing it for them intuitively.

The new moon is in Virgo on September 14, opening doors for new opportunities and emotions to manifest. In this season of growth and change, remember to leave room for embracing your impulses among all of your perfectly polished plans. Change is good and spontaneity is hard… we know. But aren’t some of the best things in life unplanned? Set aside your routine to try the adventurous idea you have been dreaming about for weeks… maybe even something new in your intimate life!

Find Calm in Chaos

Mercury falls into its third retrograde of the year, moving backward through Virgo August 23 – September 15. As a result of the mercury retrograde, you may experience delay and frustration in reaching your goals this month. When paired with the fact that this season of life seems to be moving at a quicker pace than ever before, this placement may affect just about every area of your life.

Burnout is real, and you tend to be your own worst critic through it all. So, be kind to yourself and know that it’s more than okay not to have all of the answers right now! Schedule time for plenty of self-care this month. Prioritize yourself and find what works best for you! A relaxing bath or a new meditation practice are simple ways you can take care of yourself this month. You deserve it, Virgo!

Thinking Too Much?

Overanalyzing is your specialty, Virgo. Remember that you are more than capable of accomplishing everything you set your heart on! Of course, easier said than done but remind yourself that you’ve got this! Overthinking can lead to emotional distress and disconnect in your relationships, which is exhausting. Clear communication with yourself and your people will help alleviate stress and build trust.

Understanding how your overthinking may be affecting your relationships starts with internal insight. Journaling can seem intimidating, but it is a great self-discovery tool. Check in with yourself first before communicating your feelings to others more thoughtfully and clearly. Find a quiet, comfortable space and let your thoughts fill the pages.

Spending less time thinking and more time checking things off your ever-growing to-do list will bring a much-needed boost to your energy. It is so satisfying to check those boxes. Allow yourself to start something without thinking of every possible outcome first!

Balance is Key

You are no stranger to striving for excellence in all that you do. However, this can look like taking too much on, and spreading your talents too thin. You are the definition of a yes-woman. Strive to balance saying yes and saying no (or even not right now!). Balance is key for your health and happiness.

Work-life balance is your biggest struggle. All work and no play is no fun, Virgo! Sign up for that group fitness class. Have a sweet treat on your lunch break. Learn more about that new hobby you’ve been thinking about picking up forever. Most importantly, do not feel guilty or unproductive for taking time for play! Doing things outside of work that give you a serotonin boost will help boost your productivity and creativity. These will actually help you at work! A little fun is good for the soul.

This Virgo season, you are the priority. Make your dreams come true and make sure you take some time to indulge in self-care.

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