Love in the Cards: Tarot Journaling
Journaling is recognized as a valuable tool for promoting well-being, personal growth, and self-discovery. When used in conjunction with a self-discovery tool, like journaling, tarot is a powerful tool for deepening relationships, tapping into your desires, and manifesting greater levels of pleasure in your life.
What are tarot cards?
Tarot cards have been used for centuries as a way to gain insight and guidance. If you want to learn more about their history, click here. You may have seen or experienced a reading of the Past, the Present, and the Future with tarot cards. Someone picks three cards from the card and an interpreter tells them what they signify. Self-discovery is a key part of any tarot journey since the cards push you to contemplate areas of your life that need attention and to look at situations from different angles.
Why use them when journaling
Whether you’re single or attached, tarot can be used to understand and navigate relationships or to find and maintain the love you deserve. The cards can help you do many things:
- Understand how your actions are affecting your partner
- Reveal what you may need to do to improve your relationship
- Give you insight into past relationships
- Help you explore where you are denying yourself pleasure
- Reveal what your blockages are to feeling sexy and at home in your body
Reading the cards require you to use your intuition and look within. This makes it a powerful tool to help you to understand what you truly want in a relationship. Nothing is more important than self-awareness when it comes to drawing the love, passion, or sex you desire into your life.
How to start
To tarot journal, all you need is a tarot deck and a notebook. Choose a deck that speaks to you. Once you have a deck, spend some time getting to know the cards. You will develop your own interpretation of the cards. There aren’t hard and fast rules for interpreting each card. Trust your subconscious to point you in the right direction. Tarot is only a tool to connect you to internal wisdom. It is not a crystal ball that will tell you exactly what will happen in your future. Instead, the tarot can help you understand your own emotions and desires, and to make choices that will lead to a more fulfilling love life.
Let’s start. Sit down in a quiet space with your tarot deck, ask the deck a question to focus your reading, and shuffle the cards. Examples of great questions for love and romance readings are:
- How can I attract my soul mate?
- Why can’t I let go of my ex?
- What can I learn from my recent breakup?
- How can I strengthen my connection with my partner?
- What do I need to be sexually fulfilled?
- What’s stopping me from bringing my sexual desires to life?
- How can I bring happiness back into my relationship?
- What is no longer working for me in my love life?
Start writing!
Once you sufficiently shuffle the cards, choose one at random and place it in front of you. Look at the card and take note of the images, colors, and symbols you see. Don’t let any preconceived notions about what a certain card means limit your interpretation of the reading. Then, in your notebook, write down your impressions of the card.
- What does it make you think of?
- What does it make you feel? Who does it remind you of?
- Allow your journaling to be free-flowing and don’t worry about “getting it right.”
In the end, there is no right or wrong way to journal with the tarot but be honest with yourself. Self-knowledge is the greatest gateway to a passionate and satisfying love life. The goal is to simply spend time exploring your own thoughts and feelings in relation to the cards. Explore desires that lay just beneath the surface. Jot down the question or issue that you explored in the reading. This will remind you of the context in which you did the reading and make it easier to look back and understand it as a whole.
Keep your mind open and have fun getting to know yourself better. You might be surprised at how much insight the cards can offer.