Working From Home: How To Stay Focused & Productive

Working From Home: How To Stay Focused & Productive

When you first start working from home, some people get pretty excited: sweatpants, no makeup, furry coworkers, the list goes on. After about a day though, things could get…distracting.

Netflix is just one click away, your household chores (hello laundry!) are staring you in the face, and it feels like there’s never been a better time to finally knock out the dreaded home project you’ve been avoiding.

So…how DO you stay focused and productive during work hours? We’ve compiled a few tips to help you get sh*t done from your home office…and enjoy guilt-free relaxation when the day is done!

Keep your routine
While it’s super easy to skip the shower and get to work with a messy bun and slept-in tee, keeping to your usual morning routine can help get you in full-in “work” mode for the day. You don’t need to do the full makeup and hair routine like you usually do, but make sure you’re getting up at your normal hour and giving yourself enough time to make some coffee, meditate, and maybe even take a short walk (in a non-crowded area that is accessible to you) to help you get into the professionista mindset.

Set a schedule
One sure thing that drains your productivity? Interruptions. We get it—it’s easy to stop working when your partner distracts you with a question or your friends are hitting you up with the latest meme. Be clear with anyone sharing your living space (or even those who aren’t!) what times you’re starting and ending each workday. Explain (firmly) that you’ll be focused on your daily takes during that time. Shut the door, if you have a home office! Then, at the end of the day, you can turn off your computer and turn on the heat with the Hot Date Night!

Make a list(s)
Once you’re caffeinated, refreshed, and ready to go, create a list of things that you have to complete by the end of the workday. You might have seen the meme floating around talking about Shakespeare writing King Lear while quarantined during the plague, but that doesn’t mean you have to work all day and night just to prove you’re being productive. Instead, stay focused on what you can do during your work hours. At the end of each day, take a look at your crossed-out to-do list, celebrate your accomplishments, and then treat yourself to a glass of wine (or two)!

Take breaks
You might feel pressured to stay glued to your computer when working from home, but just like you would if you were at the office, give yourself short breaks during the day to refocus and relax. Take a walk around your house or apartment, do a quick yoga session, or even take your lunch break to have a little afternoon delight. Whether you’re holed up with a partner or by yourself, spice up your breaks with a must-have sex toy and “relax” again and again! After all, orgasms produce dopamine—the chemical responsible for the “pleasure circuit” in the brain — which can help you be more focused, assertive, and creative! Your afternoons just got a whole lot more productive!

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