Getting It On After Thanksgiving
by Tori TromblayShare
After eating a large Thanksgiving dinner, you may feel like a stuffed turkey. But, if sex is still on the menu for you or your partner, you may be wondering how to feel sexy after fully enjoying the holiday. But, if you’re a woman, chances are you’re more turned on after enjoying a meal (according to scientists). We have the best tips around so you can feel fulfilled in the dining room and the bedroom.
Make a plan
Thanksgiving can easily be a chaotic holiday with cooking, cleaning, and family members all gathering in one place. Talk with your partner before joining any festivities and let them know that sex is still on the table.
Start the day with sex so you don’t have to deal with the after-dinner fullness. Or if you’re visiting a relative’s house, set a time to leave so you’re not out too late (and you have an escape plan). If you’re staying with family, plan for a quiet slow time and make sure you lock the door!
Start the day with exercise
On average, Americans eat between 3,000 and 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. That can definitely make you feel sluggish since you’re going to be about 1,000 to 2,500 calories over the recommended daily amount.
But, if you exercise before you eat, you’ll release endorphins, which will boost your energy and mood. Who doesn’t need a mood booster before getting invasive questions from your extended family? This will also ensure sex is more enjoyable later in the day if you wait to have it after your meal.
Limit the alcohol
Having one or two drinks may make you feel ready to get it on, but it might be best to stop after the second hot buttered rum or white Russian. Studies show that drinking, especially with women, can have a negative effect on the sexual response cycle. It can also take longer to orgasm (and we don’t want that).
As for men, alcohol can decrease blood flow to the penis, depress the central nervous system, and increase a hormone linked to erectile dysfunction. The best advice, even if it’s not an infamous eating holiday, is to skip the booze if you’re planning on a romantic night.
Go for lazy positions
It can be hard enough to get up out of a comfy chair after all that turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, buttered rolls, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie. Don’t get too creative with your partner if you want to avoid things pressing against your stomach.
If you’re looking for positions to try this Thanksgiving, check out this blog. With many positions in your repertoire, it could be easiest to just make a small adjustment and flip on your sides.
Use a toy
Another way to enjoy sex, but without all that sweaty body contact, is by using a toy. Engage in some mutual masturbation (two or more people touching or using toys on themselves) and let modern technology do the work. It’s a low impact, low energy activity that is perfect for the holiday!
Some toys great for mutual masturbation are a clitoral vibrator (since 80% of women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm), like Opening Act, and a masturbator, like Get a Grip, to keep you both happy.
There are many things to give thanks for this year. Make your partner or special alone time another reason be grateful.