Gifts for Every Stage of Your Relationship
by Tori TromblayShare
Anniversaries. Birthdays. Valentine’s Days. It may seem like you’re always trying to think of the perfect romantic gift for your significant other! It’s extra confusing when you consider the entire spectrum of possibilities… from flowers to foreplay essentials.
Plus, timing is everything. If you’re only a few dates in, you wouldn’t want to gift handcuffs and potentially scare off your partner. But, if you’re in a long-term relationship, expectations are higher than a simple box of chocolates. Read on for the perfect gifts for every stage of your relationship.
Early Days
You’re feeling good vibes and there are no obvious red flags, but you’re still testing the waters. If you’re looking to impress your new boo, flowers are a classic for a reason. Consider the importance of the flowers you choose. You may want to avoid black dahlias that might remind them of a certain famous murder. If you go with purple calla lilies, they symbolize enchantment.
If you want to gift something that is longer lasting, give them a decadent bubble bath that comes in a variety of gorgeous scents. They’ll see that you care and can relax and think of you during their next self-care session.
Officially Official
You’ve had “the talk” and you’re both officially off the market. But you’re still getting to know each other, especially in the bedroom. Now’s the time for long, romantic dinners as you gaze into each other’s eyes. Drive the conversation with a sizzling card game that gives you prompts or actions that will reveal turn-ons and turn-offs. You can keep it steamy or unleash the fire with increasingly seductive questions or actions.
Now is also the perfect time to gift an experience, like a concert, couple’s spa day, or fancy night on the town. Make the memories that you’ll talk about for years to come with an unforgettable time.
Met the Parents
Things are getting serious. You’ve survived the super stressful dinner introducing your S.O. to mom and dad. After days of worrying about invasive questions from your parents and whether they would continue the annoying tradition of giving your partner a rhyming nickname (who can forget Lyin’ Ryan), now it’s time to relax.
Give them a sensual massage with the help of a massage oil infused with an essential blend that can ignite feelings of passion. As with any foreplay, start slow and work your way to more sensitive spots. If you’re unsure of your skills, check out our blog on how to give the perfect at-home massage.
You’ve moved in together. While you have spent many nights in the same bed, actually sleeping together seven days a week can be a revealing experience. You can no longer hide your 10-year-old retainer. Also, no more getting out of bed to doublecheck your face and hair (and sneaking in a quick breath check). Now is the time to get real.
It’s the best time as you really get to know each other… for better or worse. Don’t let all the romance slip away. Slip in some lingerie, like a cami and short set, a few nights a week when you want to send the message that you’re ready to get wild.
You’ve passed all the beginning of the relationship milestones and are set for the long haul. But now the main concern is making sure the sparks don’t burn out. Gift a copy of the Kama Sutra or check out some of our favorite sex positions.
Another great way to bring the heat in the bedroom is by putting a ring on it. The c-ring is a favorite among couples… and for good reason. The flexible ring delivers pleasure-amplifying pressure for him, and the vibrator provides intoxicating speeds and patterns for her. If this is your first time adding a toy in the bedroom, make sure you communicate so you both enjoy the experience.
Breaking the Routine
You’re comfortable… maybe too comfortable. You have your regularly scheduled once-a-week sex. Or maybe sex is becoming less frequent as your busy life knocks getting frisky further and further down the to-do list. Kickstart your sex life by introducing new territories in the bedroom.
Give the gift of sensory play with a blindfold or feather. Take away your sight and see how sensitive touch feels when your partner even lightly brushes their fingers against you. Talk beforehand about limits and safe words so you both can get in on the fun without worrying about going over the line.
From new love to growing old together, we have romantic gifts for all the stages of your relationship. Give the gift of pure romance so you can keep the fire going… and your partner guessing… with new erotic escapades for years to come.